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Terms & Conditions for purchasing and using the Premium membership service on the website

of VELKÁ PECKA s.r.o., ID No. 030 24 130, a company with its seat at Sokolovská 100/94, Karlín, 186 00 Prague 8, entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Prague Municipal Court in Section C, File No. 226550 (“Velká Pecka” and the “Premium Service T&C”, respectively).

Last updated on 1 September 2022

I. Introductory Provisions

These Premium Service T&C govern the mutual rights and obligations of the Parties arising in connection with, or on the basis of, the agreement on the use of the Premium membership service (the “Agreement”) to be made between Velká Pecka and a customer of Velká Pecka (the “Customer”) who, via the portal (the “Velká Pecka Portal”) and/or another URL and/or another mobile application, wishes to enter into the Agreement with Velká Pecka.

II. Establishment of the Premium Membership

Customers have the option to subscribe to premium membership (the “Premium Membership”) on the Velká Pecka Portal in order to avail themselves of the benefits associated with such Premium Membership.

In so doing, Customers have the choice between the following Premium Membership service alternatives:

  1. monthly Premium Membership – which will be automatically renewed, whereas the membership fee will be automatically charged once per month; or
  2. annual Premium Membership – which will be automatically renewed, whereas the membership fee will be automatically charged once per year.

The Premium Membership service costs a CZK 199 fee for monthly Premium Membership or CZK 1,999 for annual Premium Membership.

By subscribing to Premium Membership, the Customer obtains at least the following benefits:

  • free shipping within the catchment areas as defined by Velká Pecka on the Velká Pecka Portal;
  • free express delivery 4 times each month*, and thereafter for the reduced price of CZK 99;
  • the option to order goods for a value below the minimum order volume 4 times each month, with free shipping;
  • priority support in the event of technical issues affecting the delivery of the goods by Velká Pecka;
  • guaranteed year-round 15% discount on selected items from the range of BEZ KOMPROMISU (‘No Compromises’) private-label products;
  • free monthly Premium Membership for each order whose delivery was delayed by more than 30 minutes (both in the case of monthly and annual Premium Membership);
  • compensation for reclaimed goods in the form of credit points, in a value equal to the amount of the purchase price for the reclaimed goods (with the exception of returnable packaging)**; and
  • access to an exclusive range of products available only to Customers who use the Premium Membership service.

* within the express delivery zones designated by Velká Pecka on the Velká Pecka Portal.

** In the event of manifest abuse of the complaint policy (e.g. by repeatedly bringing excessive complaints), Velká Pecka reserves the right to restrict or suspend this benefit for the given Customer, which may include the cancellation of credit obtained through clearly abusive complaints. 

The complete list of benefits granted to Customers who make use of Premium Membership can at all times be reviewed on the Velká Pecka Portal.

Customers may activate the Premium Membership service on the Velká Pecka Portal by signing into their customer profile and clicking on the “ Premium” link.  They are offered the choice between monthly Premium Membership and annual Premium Membership, which they confirm by clicking on “Activate monthly membership” or “Activate annual membership”. The Velká Pecka Portal then takes the Customer to a secure online payment gate through which they may pay the fee for monthly or annual Premium Membership using their payment card. 

As soon as the Customer has paid for the Premium Membership service offered on the Velká Pecka Portal, Velká Pecka will deliver a receipt to the Customer (via the Customer’s customer profile), issued in accordance with the Act on the Electronic Registration of Sales, which can be accessed by looking up the respective order.

Velká Pecka reserves the right to temporarily suspend, for as long as necessary, the option to activate Premium Membership for future prospective subscribers among its Customers, if increasing the number of Customers who use Premium Membership may result in a deterioration of quality of the services rendered under (or of the benefits following from) Premium Membership. 

III. Withdrawal from the Agreement

In accordance with Sec. 1829 of the Civil Code, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the agreement on the provision of the Premium Membership service even without giving reasons, within 14 days from the conclusion of the agreement.  For the purposes of exercising the right to withdrawal from the Agreement, the Customer must notify Velká Pecka of their withdrawal from the Agreement in one of the following ways:

  1. in writing, by sending a physical notice to the seat of Velká Pecka;
  2. electronically, to the e-mail address; or
  3. over the phone, by calling 800 730 740.

In case of a valid withdrawal from the Agreement, the Customer will be refunded via cash transfer into the bank account from where the payment for Premium Membership was made, whereas this refund will be effected promptly, but in any case no later than within 14 days from the day on which the Customer’s notice of withdrawal reached Velká Pecka.  Provided that the Customer has given express consent, their cash payment for Premium Membership may instead be converted into credit in their customer account.  Such credit points are valid for an unlimited period of time. 

IV. Cancellation of the Premium Membership service

A Customer may cancel their Premium Membership even before the agreed term of membership has lapsed, but in such a case is not entitled to a refund of the fee for Premium Membership (or any part thereof).  Customers may cancel their Premium Membership even without giving reasons through any of the following channels: 

  1. in writing, by sending a physical notice to the seat of Velká Pecka;
  2. electronically, to the e-mail address
  3. over the phone, by calling 800 730 740; or
  4. within the customer profile, where the Customer may deactivate the automatic renewal of Premium Membership, in which case their membership will expire upon lapse of the period for which the current subscription to Premium Membership was created.

One exception are Customers who decide to cancel their Premium Membership between the 15th and 30th day of subscription. In such a case, Velká Pecka will refund the Premium Membership service fee to the Customer by crediting a corresponding amount of credit points to their customer account.  These credit points are valid for an unlimited period of time.

If 30 days have passed since the establishment of Premium Membership, the Customer may still be entitled to a refund of the fee, but only if they never used any of the benefits associated with Premium Membership.  In such a case, the fee would be refunded by crediting a corresponding amount of credit points to the customer account.  These credit points will be valid for an unlimited period of time. 

V. Liability and warranties

Velká Pecka is not liable for any damage or other consequences incurred by the Customer based upon, or in connection with, the actions of individual Customers, the way in which they use the Velká Pecka Portal, or other circumstances on the part of the Customer. 

In accordance with Sec. 2913 (2) of the Civil Code, Velká Pecka is not liable for damage caused by force majeure, or for failure (unavailability) of the Velká Pecka Portal caused by, in particular, power outages.  Velká Pecka reserves the right to temporarily restrict the provision of the full scope of benefits associated with Premium Membership.  Such a restriction of services may be caused by an exceptional and unpredictable situation which leads to Velká Pecka’s capacities becoming temporarily exhausted (i.e., in particular, a state of emergency triggered by the unchecked spread of diseases such as COVID-19 or unexpected nationwide and/or local restrictions imposed by the Czech government or other competent authorities).

Velká Pecka assumes no liability for the smooth, uninterrupted, proper and safe operation of the Velká Pecka Portal.  In addition, Velká Pecka is not liable for advertising or promotion by third parties through the Velká Pecka Portal, or for errors caused by third-party interferences with the Velká Pecka Portal or by using the Velká Pecka Portal in a way that goes against its designated purpose.  

Velká Pecka is not liable for services rendered by independent entities other than Velká Pecka, i.e., in particular, the operators of the payment systems referred to in Art. II of these Premium Service T&C or the delivery drivers, nor for any consequences of their actions or the rights and obligations associated with those services. 

VI. Final provisions

For the event that the legal relationship in connection with the use of the Velká Pecka Portal or the legal relationship brought about by this Agreement has an international element, the Parties have agreed that this relationship shall be governed by Czech law.  This is without prejudice to the Customer’s rights (in their capacity as a consumer) under the generally binding provisions of statutory law.  The Czech courts are competent to resolve all potential disputes between the parties, whereas the court with local jurisdiction is determined by the address of the registered seat of Velká Pecka.

Customers may bring their complaints before the Czech Trade Inspection / Česká obchodní inspekce (, which is the state supervisory authority in matters of consumer protection.

Velká Pecka pursues its business based on a trade license; its operations are not subject to any other public-law approval.  Trade supervision lies in the hands of the Trade Licensing Office, within the scope of its competencies. 

Velká Pecka may discontinue the sale of goods and/or the provision of services via the Velká Pecka Portal at any time.

Velká Pecka may at any time make reasonable changes or additions to these Premium Service T&C provided that Customers are being informed of such changes or additions in advance, via e-mail or through another suitable channel so as to allow the Customer to familiarize themselves with the then current wording of the Premium Service T&C without undue difficulties.  If the Customer does not agree with the change to the Premium Service T&C, they may cancel the Agreement observing a notice period of one month, which begins on the day following the day on which the notice of cancellation was duly delivered to Velká Pecka. 

If any of the provisions of these Premium Service T&C is or becomes invalid or inoperative, then a provision shall apply instead whose meaning comes as close as possible to that of the invalid or inoperative provision.  The invalidity or inoperativeness of any individual provision hereof has no bearing on the remaining provisions of these Premium Service T&C which continue to be in force and effect. 

The contact details of the customer service of Velká Pecka are listed on the Velká Pecka Portal.  The address for e-mail correspondence is, and the phone number under which the service can be reached is 800 730 740.  Questions, suggestions, comments, or complaints may be sent to

These Premium Service T&C have come into effect on 1 September 2022.