Gift and charity vouchers for better food and life

Electronic voucher for Rohlík Premium
Delight your loved ones with a gift that will make them happy all year round, bring them many benefits and, in addition, you will be remembered every time they make a purchase.
Rohlik Premium membership
- Today's delivery guarantee with free shipping every time
- Express delivery and under limit orders are free 4x a month
- You will save up to CZK 8,300 per year on delivery and discounts

Elektronický poukaz na nákup
Delight your loved ones with a gift that will make them happy all year round, bring them many benefits and, in addition, you will be remembered every time they make a purchase.
Shopping at Rohlik
- Vyberte si přesný čas doručení v hodinových nebo 15minutových časových oknech
- Doprava zdarma pro objednávky nad 1500 Kč
- Spěcháte? Nákup vám dovezeme už za 60 minut

If you want to order 30+ vouchers or use an invoice payment, please contact us on
Paper gift vouchers for purchase
Even joy can pass through the stomach! Put the voucher in the cart and we will send it to you with your order.